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Saturday, May 4, 2024
Horray! May made it here!

Thanks for stopping by the Cute n' Charming Forum Blog for the May freebies. 
I have a treat for you!

This month will be a zipped download of 7 items. 1 wordart, and 6 clusters from one of my new
kits that has not yet been released. 

I am feeling especially inspired by spring colors and sparkly faery things. :D 
I hope you enjoy. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024
Hi Everyone!
wow. April is almost over with. I can't believe how fast the months just run away from us once Christmas is gone...
All sorts of awesome things going on
this time of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere we are having Spring. Or -- trying to. With global warming and El'Nino... It's just hit and miss and bizarre weather all over the planet.

If you'd like to escape all that -- stop by Cute n' Charming Forum to play some games, create by participating in some of the challenges. 
New challenges go up every 2 weeks. 
You can also win extra coin (hearts) by playing Lotto, checking in, voting, welcoming new members...

If you enjoy blog trains or would like to participate in the O'Scrap Blog Train -- follow me. I am the Ad Run Manager. All previews are due to be in the current album by the 26th of every month. Either Crystal or I generate the code (that is a listing of all of our blogs participating) and give that in the group on the 27th. And everyone posts their part on their blog on the 28th of each month along with the code for visiting everyone else's blog as well.
I do not come bearing any gifts or freebies this time. *lol* Sorry... Just some info. 
My goal is to have a fun laid back successful forum, that welcomes all. Total no drama zone ;)
Always appreciate any link sharing you can do.
The forum is still in its infancy. So I have great dreams for it to grow.

If you have suggestions, I am open to change. Lets have fun, & create.
If you would like to contribute to the forum by having WWO's,  selling items for hearts (forum money); your always welcome to do so. 


I have also decided to start selling under the
designer name of Enchanted Scraps and am building
a new store. I would also like to get back to doing some more traditional style kits & CU tubes as well.

Sunday, April 7, 2024
Personal Use  Clusters and Wordart

Hello! Hello! I have some April Freebies for you!
Hope the weather is nice for you starting out this April. In Wyoming one day is in the 70's, the next its snow...

Click on each image for the full size and save. 

I just could not resist making a cluster with my 
pretty peach and teal AI flower.

Your welcome to change the colors
of the wordart.

Come over to the forum for more goodies. 
I just started Lotto today too. 

April Artist Appreciation and Dedicated Designers
are up. 
All ready for you to jump in and create!


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

wooohooo!!! We now have an area for non-taggers on the forum. So members who are retired from tagging or those who are just not into sigtag making; have ways to still earn Hearts and hang out :D 

It's a small start. If you have suggestions, they are always welcome. 

We have gained new members this week. 
Welcome to Cute n' Charming Forum
Carmin's Chaos and Designs-Mery
Happy to have you with us.

A new trivia tournament is up!
I love that trivia game. Stop in a give it a whirl. 
Highest score for the week earns 300 Hearts to be added to their Heart Bank. 
Come back and play everyday.  

Sunday, March 17, 2024
March Freebie Clusters and Word Art!

Brought to you from Cute n' Charming Forum.
AI is my own renderings

Click on images to save as .png
These are my own renderings and creations. 
I give permission to be used as CU or PU.  

Be sure to click on each one to get the full & transparent size.
Spring is rolling right in. Stop by the forum for a sweet visit. Bring a friend along.

This week (March 16-March 29th) in the challenges there is the Totally AI challenge. 
You get a free exclusive kit.

50 elements. If your into doing a challenge right now. This kit is also available in the Freebie Boutique area...

Zoom out AI tutorial:

Font Challenge. Who doesn't love free cool fonts!

Dedicated Designer Spotlight and  Love Them Artist Spotlight 
are:    Luscious Ladee and Attila

Monday, February 26, 2024
New Updates for our forum. 
New siggies to purchase with hearts!
New spring/Easter kits and packs coming very soon. 

Lush Abundance can be found in the boutique.
I love making new CU/PU packs and scrap kits. So much fun. And I'm always hoping it is something someone can use. I'm also working on new Easter/Spring packs. I'll be able to add more freebie kits soon too. 

Consider sharing our link please.  We are climbing with our votes pretty quickly. Thank you to everyone who comes in and votes. Appreciate that so much xoxo 

There is a Forum Ad Runner position open.
I advertise our forum on Facebook, as well as MeWe. If your interested in helping with this; just give me a little holler. All you have to do is post and share. I've already created the Ads...

Want to create freebies for the blog? It's nice to give back to our graphics community. And provide creators with free tools. I could use some help in this area as well. 
Creating snags, clusters, embellishments, cluster frames from scrap kits that allow such items to be created for free. 
These are kits you already have. I would not be providing these. 
Thanks so much for visiting

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Hello all!
Hope everyone is staying well and healthy. It has been a strange winter for sure; here in Wyoming. Probably in many places I imagine...

I dropping by to bring you some freebie clusters. 
Kits are purchased from TTD.
Clusters are created by me - Jules.

First I'll drop off something green for you for St. Patrick's Day. 'Captivating' Scrap kit

And these sweet pink clusters are created with
Spring Unicorn Kit
Such a pretty soft pink kit. Love this one so much!!! Reminds me of cotton candy *lol*

I would love to feature your creation on the blog if you use these clusters to create with. 

Stop by the forum for more creative fun and exclusive freebies!

Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Hello Hello!!!
I'm going to try to get some more word art freebies done this week. On the forum I have up 'the moods' now. Just got those up this morning :D

I would be grateful for stopping by and casting us a vote too.

Thanks so much !! 

I've been making more and more snags, and Valentine Bash posts. 

Come have a look & bring a friend. *smiles*
Don't forget to stop in to the dailies and post a happy hump day today too. 

Off to work I go...

Thursday, January 25, 2024
Hi everyone!
Stopping in today to post a little about Ad Running. 

I'd love to have an ad runner for the forum.

Running ads would be once a month. Twice is optional - if you have time for it. 

It would be done on social media such as Facebook Ad Groups, and MeWe Ad Groups. 

I have templates to use for this, if you need one. 
Screen Shots can be taken of different areas of the forum. 
Such as advertising for 'Challenges' - a basic screen shot could be taken. Then one or two links posted in the social media post describing and linking to a couple of the challenges. 
Or Challenges and Tutorials.. Games... Whatever... 

I would like a spotlight to be done when there are special celebrations, such as the Valentine Bash. That could be linked to as well...

PM me  from the forum any questions you have. 
Please fill out the application at the upper right of the forum. 
