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Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Hello Hello!!!
I'm going to try to get some more word art freebies done this week. On the forum I have up 'the moods' now. Just got those up this morning :D

I would be grateful for stopping by and casting us a vote too.

Thanks so much !! 

I've been making more and more snags, and Valentine Bash posts. 

Come have a look & bring a friend. *smiles*
Don't forget to stop in to the dailies and post a happy hump day today too. 

Off to work I go...

Thursday, January 25, 2024
Hi everyone!
Stopping in today to post a little about Ad Running. 

I'd love to have an ad runner for the forum.

Running ads would be once a month. Twice is optional - if you have time for it. 

It would be done on social media such as Facebook Ad Groups, and MeWe Ad Groups. 

I have templates to use for this, if you need one. 
Screen Shots can be taken of different areas of the forum. 
Such as advertising for 'Challenges' - a basic screen shot could be taken. Then one or two links posted in the social media post describing and linking to a couple of the challenges. 
Or Challenges and Tutorials.. Games... Whatever... 

I would like a spotlight to be done when there are special celebrations, such as the Valentine Bash. That could be linked to as well...

PM me  from the forum any questions you have. 
Please fill out the application at the upper right of the forum. 

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Welcome! to the Cute -n- Charming Blog!
I have been working very hard on the forum. To get it up and rolling before Valentine's Day. It has been so relaxing and invigorating.

I am so blessed that I caught TammyKat before she goes on vacation in February. So now we have a gorgeous relaxing blog to come to. 

I have 2 super super great ladies on board with me. 
I am so blessed to have met them.
And I am so excited for the forum to start rolling. 

I have a couple of little goodies in the Valentine Bash.
There are lots of games and dailies already up for us to all have fun in.

There are 5 challenges up so far. Those will run bi-weekly. And 1 monthly activity that will reoccur every month. (GM,GA,GN) 

Tutorials are coming too. A cute unicorn one is up. 

Stop on by! Bring a friend!
