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Sunday, January 21, 2024

Welcome! to the Cute -n- Charming Blog!
I have been working very hard on the forum. To get it up and rolling before Valentine's Day. It has been so relaxing and invigorating.

I am so blessed that I caught TammyKat before she goes on vacation in February. So now we have a gorgeous relaxing blog to come to. 

I have 2 super super great ladies on board with me. 
I am so blessed to have met them.
And I am so excited for the forum to start rolling. 

I have a couple of little goodies in the Valentine Bash.
There are lots of games and dailies already up for us to all have fun in.

There are 5 challenges up so far. Those will run bi-weekly. And 1 monthly activity that will reoccur every month. (GM,GA,GN) 

Tutorials are coming too. A cute unicorn one is up. 

Stop on by! Bring a friend!



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