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Monday, February 26, 2024
New Updates for our forum. 
New siggies to purchase with hearts!
New spring/Easter kits and packs coming very soon. 

Lush Abundance can be found in the boutique.
I love making new CU/PU packs and scrap kits. So much fun. And I'm always hoping it is something someone can use. I'm also working on new Easter/Spring packs. I'll be able to add more freebie kits soon too. 

Consider sharing our link please.  We are climbing with our votes pretty quickly. Thank you to everyone who comes in and votes. Appreciate that so much xoxo 

There is a Forum Ad Runner position open.
I advertise our forum on Facebook, as well as MeWe. If your interested in helping with this; just give me a little holler. All you have to do is post and share. I've already created the Ads...

Want to create freebies for the blog? It's nice to give back to our graphics community. And provide creators with free tools. I could use some help in this area as well. 
Creating snags, clusters, embellishments, cluster frames from scrap kits that allow such items to be created for free. 
These are kits you already have. I would not be providing these. 
Thanks so much for visiting



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